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Herione's Journey 2015

I am one of the presenters at this years Heriones Journey.  Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.  I hope to see you there!

Heroines Journey 2015

The Heroine’s Journey

A Retreat for Women Featuring a Celtic Celebration

Presented by
Kathleen McGowan

October 30 to November 2, 2015
Montauk, New York

“Asherah Comes Forth ~ Bringing Balance Into the World Through Divine Love”
– original artwork by Baraka Robin Berger

Reclaiming Our Ancient Wisdom, Stepping Into Our Divine Power

Join Bestselling author Kathleen McGowan in a rare public appearance on the East Coast for an exciting, provocative and dynamic journey into feminine power.

A note from Kathleen on the conference theme:
“Ancient Wisdom will give us a future.” 
The quote is from my late husband, Philip Coppens, who passed from this world into a neighboring one in December of 2012.  I have carried it as my own motto ever since, recognizing that it is only by taking back our wisdom, power, and sisterhood that we will thrive in this dawning of a New Era.  Since the 2012 shift, the world has been a challenging place for many of us to navigate.  In the world of social media, I have been in touch with tens of thousands of women, most of whom are suffering in some way from loss, deep wounding, and unresolved pain from their past.  The last two years have caused many of us to see the Underworld up close and personal, and I know first hand that it has been difficult.

But the time of darkness is over, and we are now emerging into the light of a New Era, and an exciting time where we can experiences true joy from connecting with our true selves and reuniting with our divine purpose for being here.  We chose it, we volunteered to be here at this time, and in this place.

And we did not come alone.  We are supported on so many levels, by ancestors, by angels, by loved ones who have passed and are guiding us.  But perhaps most of all, we are supported by each other, and this weekend will be a celebration of all of these things.  Over the course of these three days, we will share together in a profound and powerful series of seminars and workshops designed to help us move gracefully and rapidly into our bright futures while making sense of the past; taking the learning and shedding all that no longer serves us.

My strength during these challenging times has come re-connecting with my ancestors and the powerful women from the past who eternally inspire me.  My own workshops will include:

  • The Archetype Workshop: a fun yet powerful ice-breaking workshop where we get to know each other by exploring which goddess or ancestral heroine appeals most to us,
  •  The Time Returns: a meditation on soul families, reunions, and the true nature of soul mates (And how to find yours if you haven’t already – it isn’t hard and it isn’t a secret!  And yes, you have more than one),
  • The Other Side: How our loved ones who have passed are reaching out to us now and acting as our primary guides,
  • The Celtic World: For the first time ever, I will speak publicly about my maternal lineage and the ways in which I was raised in a pagan Celtic environment reaching back to ancient Ireland and the Scottish Islands.  We will celebrate All Hallow’s Eve / Samhain with a traditional Celtic bonfire ritual,
  • Come as you ARE party!  Our Halloween party invites you to dress in a way that expresses your inner being and true self. Anything goes, as long as it is authentic to how you feel in your soul!  Dress as a goddess, a gypsy, a Celtic Queen, an Egyptian priestess, anything that makes you feel like you are celebrating your truest nature at your core!

Kathleen McGowan  is a record-breaking bestselling author whose work has been translated into 50 languages. Her visionary fiction series is based on two decades of research into the contributions of women to history and spirituality and includes the instant New York Times bestseller, The Expected One, and its bestselling sequels, The Book of Love and The Poet Prince. She can be seen as a content contributor and on-air personality on three History Channel series: Ancient Aliens, The Curse of Oak Island, and Bible Secrets Revealed.

Kathleen will be sharing the stage with a panel of extraordinary women, all exceptional and unique in the wisdom they bring to share.  The women and their life-changing seminars are…


Laura Eisenhower

Return from the Underworld with Laura Eisenhower

I am so thrilled to be working with Laura Eisenhower this year, I can hardly believe it.  The depth of her knowledge and wisdom is profound to witness, yet she is at the same time the relatable sister you always wished you had!  Her understanding of the “Underworld Experience” that all women of spirit have been through – and must go through – is utterly transformational.
– Kathleen McGowan

In this timely and important session, Laura will talk about the initiations we experience on the often-challenging path to reclaim our divine power.  For many women since the 2012 shift, the world has been a difficult place, fraught with obstacles and deeply impactful losses.  Laura guides us through a re-frame of the difficult aspects of our past, showing us how the journey into the Underworld helps us to purify the Mother Womb and balance our own light and dark and inner Masculine and Feminine.   She will talk about the path of the Labyrinth and how we can more consciously move through the many layers of our multi-dimensional body, transforming our wounds and releasing any controls that have prevented us from being able to fully embody our true self.   She will discuss the archetype of Venus and will help us to understand what Gaia-Sophia is all about in relation to this extraordinary shift time we are in.  She also sheds light on the myths of the divine feminine and how it relates to our own personal journey and what is happening on the planet.  She seeks to empower Sacred Union within and Unity Consciousness and helps us to navigate this experience with more clarity and joy.

Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work worldwide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and is considered by many to be one of North America’s leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Ancient History.  Laura works to free us from the False Archonic systems and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back.  Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through experience, psychic development and research, about how to guide us into higher Earth energies.  Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Pleroma, the totality of our divine powers.  With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union, divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years. See more

Anita Kocourek

Modern Alchemy: Using Aromatherapy to Ignite the Power of Your Ancient Soul
with Anita Kocourek

Anita Kocourek is more than an aromatherapist and master blender.  She’s an alchemist.  In my 30 years of studying aromatherapy around the world, I have never met anyone with more natural talent and understanding of essential oils for sacred use than Anita K.  Her blends have enhanced, and even maybe even saved my life!
– Kathleen McGowan

The great queen of Avalon, Morgan Le Fay, has always been a guide for Anita K on her mystical path. Morgan was the first historical figure who brought on strong memories for her when she was a teenager.  Anita’s unique and powerful session will start with emotional clearing using essential oils and breathing techniques to bring you into a deep connection with one of your personal heroes or heroines. You will then create your own alchemical essence derived from this sacred connection with guidance from Anita on the appropriate oils for your personal use.

Anita Kocourek has always been an artist in some capacity throughout her life. During her career in commercial art, she always longed to do something more for society—to enhance global wellbeing. Instead of keeping up with design trends, she found herself drawn to alternative health and holistic healing.  She studied in depth, also spending countless hours in her garden and on hikes identifying edible and medicinal indigenous weeds, plants, flowers and trees. She grew her own herbs, crafting natural skin and health care remedies for herself and her family. When she discovered the power of essential oils, she found her calling in the perfect marriage of art and alchemy. She artistically mixes powerful therapeutic essential oils, creating alchemical blends that can affect life-affirming changes, bringing you into a state of harmony and vibrational alignment. Through her business, Apothicaire de Fleurs, Anita’s artisanal blends merge you with Earth’s life force and ignite your ancient soul.

Aimée Alley

Transforming Fear Into Power and Trusting your Truth by Honoring your Birthright
with Aimée Alley

I am so excited to have the dynamic and utterly inspirational Aimee with me this year to present a two part transformational workshop!  She is a combination of grace, beauty and pure power!  I have rarely encountered anyone who ‘walks the walk’ and leads by example in such an authentic way.
– Kathleen McGowan

There is one common denominator that holds all of us back from reclaiming our power and leading a life of joy, abundance and true authenticity – and that is FEAR.  There is an ancient matrix of fear that impacts even the most empowered women, both consciously and unconsciously!  Now is the time to acknowledge and release your fears as we step forward into the light of a new era.  You can move beyond the old paradigm of 3rd/4th dimensional thoughts, fears and emotions that are holding you back from fulfilling your by stepping into your POWER!  Don’t spend another day living in the shadow of fear– instead, take the steps forward, acknowledge your power, accept responsibility and uncover the positive actions necessary to transform these fears.

This spirited, dynamic workshop will inspire you to take specific actions in your day-to-day life and uncover a visionary perspective to redefining fear.  You will learn concrete, practical tools that you can use immediately.

Fear can be harnessed, transformed and redefined so that even more profound possibilities will open in your life.
– Aimée Alley

In Trusting Truth by Honoring your Birthright, Aimee will guide you through freeing yourself from the outmoded ways of the lower dimensions and old paradigms.  Move beyond the polarity and step into the river of “the higher dimensions of you” brimming with life force.  No longer do you need to hide in the shadows.  Hear – and heed – the clarion call from within.

In this deeply powerful and interactive workshop you will step into divine being you are.  Aimee will invite you to say ‘YES,’ to the alignment of your Heart & Soul. You were created and exist as  your own beautiful vibrating frequency.  The more you honor your unique vibration and expand it out in love, joy and your truth, the more you will raise the vibration of each other and our world.  This is about acknowledging the power of your birthright, owning your unique contribution to humanity and expressing your passions of the divine creative force  – by living in your joy by honoring of all that is Sacred!

Aimée Alley is a professional speaker, teacher, coach, mother, meditation guide and author of Heart & Soul, 10 Keys to your Sacred Self, and I.C.E., In Case of Emergency – First Aid for surviving, Living and Thriving through a Crisis.

For more than 25 years, she has helped people connect to their core potential and alleviate their inner conflicts in order to live a more enthusiastic, joy-filled life.  Empowering individuals and groups to embrace their authentic selves, see life as an adventure, and use compassion and joy as their compass, is at the heart of her work. See more at

Carol McLellan

Return to the Well – Embodying the Female Spirit and Reclaiming the Ancient Wisdom of Your Body
with Carol McLellan

Carol McLellan is the most gifted hands-on healer I have ever met.  I didn’t know a thing about cranial sacral therapy until my first session with Carol – which was life-altering.  She is too humble to tell you that she is sought after as a teacher literally all over the world, so I will!  We are blessed to have her take time from that schedule to work with us on some mind-blowing concepts about reclaiming the wisdom contained naturally within the female body.  The information in this workshop rocked my world, and I cannot wait to share it with other women!
– Kathleen McGowan

Carol McLellan will lead you on a Journey into the sacredness of the female by showing you how to re-member the intrinsic magic within your own body.  This is an interactive, exciting workshop guaranteed to introduce you to concepts you have never heard presented before, and certainly not with Carol’s unique blend of accessible humor and master healer wisdom.  This seminar was created to empower  you to reclaim the ancient wisdom held within the your cells(self) and to rewrite your own story to fit the Heroine within as you go forward into your new adventure – into your new empowered, exciting LIFE.

Carol McLellan, CST-D, CPO-D, has a 30-year background in holistic health education, Childbirth education and body therapy. She is a CranioSacral Therapy instructor for The Upledger Institute International, teaching nationally and internationally. Ms. McLellan was invited by cutting edge medical scientist and holistic innovator, Dr. Upledger to develop the curriculum for CranioSacral Therapy for Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth. She has helped facilitate the Bio Aquatic Discoveries for Pediatrics, is trained as a Doula, a Doula and a Childbirth educator and taught at the American College of Midwives National conference.

Carol is a certified Body-mind coach and has shared the stage with innovators from all over the world. She has studied Moari Shamanism, Mayan medicine and been initiated by an American Cherokee tribe. She is the owner of a wellness center in Visalia, California.

“Queen Maeve of Ireland”
by Baraka Robin Berger

Your Retreat Destination – Montauk, in the heart of the Hamptons
Montauk, New York is on the very eastern tip of Long Island and part of East Hampton.  Montauk is considered a beach resort, using its position at the tip of Long Island to promote itself as “The Living End” or “The Last Resort.” It is also well known for “The Montauk Project” and the current Showtime series called “The Affair.” And while it is a popular resort community, it also is proud of the fact that over 70% of Montuak has been purchased as Open Space and cannot be developed,  thus allowing nature’s beauty to prevail.

Your Retreat Hotel – The Montauk Yacht Club
The Montauk Yacht Club is an iconic Hamptons resort perfectly located on a picturesque and private waterfront in the East Hampton hamlet of Montauk, in the heart of the Hamptons. Built in 1928, the seaside resort’s original members were the Astors, Whitneys and Vanderbilts. Charles Lindbergh was a guest when he flew his seaplane into the harbor and docked at the marina. Today MTK invites you to join Kathleen and her friends in a blend of bygone elegance and modern comfort that perfectly embodies the relaxed coastal luxury of the Hamptons. The MYC features 104 rooms, an indoor pool, full-service spa and fitness center, tennis and more; a perfect setting for the Heroine’s Retreat.


(At press time – certain elements of schedule are subject to change)

Day 1, Friday – October 30: Retreat Starts (D)
Arrival on your own to your reserved accommodations at the Montauk Yacht Club (for shuttle information, see below). Time to refresh yourself before your welcome dinner with wine, a program overview for the weekend by Kathleen and the preliminaries of the Archetype Workshop, which continues in the morning.

Day 2, Saturday – 31: Retreat Continues (B/D)
We will all join for breakfast and a full day of workshops and discussion. Lunch is on your own, or you can use that free time to walk on the beach and assimilate the events of the morning before resuming for a full afternoon. In the evening we have our Halloween/ Shamhain beach-themed dinner party! You are encouraged to dress as your favorite goddess or simply to wear the attire that makes you feel like the goddess that you are! Dress as a goddess, a gypsy, a Celtic Queen, an Egyptian priestess, anything that makes you feel like you are celebrating your truest nature at your core. After dinner, we will all gather and enjoy a glass of champagne and dessert celebration with a Celtic bonfire ritual.

Day 3, Sunday – November 1: Retreat Continues (B/D)
Before breakfast, an early morning walk of Montauk’s new Labyrinth. Return to our hotel for breakfast, and afterwards move on to morning workshop. (After lunch on our own, you can choose between: joining Kathleen in a program at a local church;  a special walk along the cliffs and ocean of Montauk including  visits to some Montaukain Indian old vortexs;  or free time on the beach – An additional workshop before dinner.  Storytelling around the fire after dinner.

Day 4- Monday – November 2:  Retreat Ends (B)
We will meet for our final breakfast and Q & A panel lecture led by Kathleen McGowan with the other presenters. We will conclude our time together on the beach with a special Heroine’s Journey departure ritual. For those who are staying on in Montauk, the balance of your stay is to enjoy Montauk and its surroundings.

Your Retreat Includes:

  • All Retreat activities including workshops, prayer circles and entry to exchange
  • 4 days & 3 nights accommodations at the deluxe Montauk Yacht Club
  • Hotel taxes
  • Daily breakfast
  • Dinner every night
  • Wine with dinner
  • Champagne and wine reception
  • Special “Dessert Buffet”
  • Coffee, tea & water breaks

How to get to Montauk?
Note: Transfers to and from the hotel are not included in the retreat price. For transfer to and from the hotel, below are the various services available.
Montauk can be reached by car, by train, or the Hampton Jitney from New York City. The closest airport to Montauk is McArthur in Islip (about 90 minutes away) and there are scheduled flights with Southwest and USAirways (now American). From there you can rent a car (We are working on obtaining special rates and will give you the information with your confirmation), or take a local taxi to the pick-up point for the Hampton Jitney to Montauk, where the MYC will pick you up when you reach town. There are also flights to JFK, but the travel time to Montauk is about 3-1/2 hours.

Please read the Terms and Conditions for this program.

** Bonus! SAVE! You will receive a 5% discount if ALL payments are made by check or money order. These discounted prices are noted in red.

NOTE: Special Optional BOOK NOW-PAY LATER Credit Card payment plan using PayPal (Click here for details)

Price Per Person

Per Person Double Occupancy: $1,899 by check or money order, $1,999  by credit card
Per Person Single Occupancy:  $2,249  by check or money order, $2,369  by credit card

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL DISCOUNT (if prepaid by July 1, 2015) Price Per Person:
Per Person Double Occupancy: $1,749 by check or money order, $1,849 by credit card
Per Person Single Occupancy:  $2,099 by check or money order, $2,209  by credit card

Deposit Schedule:
Deposit – First Non-Refundable Payment (due as soon as possible in order to ensure a place on the tour)
Per Person Double Occupancy: $500 by check or money order, $525 by credit card
Per Person Single Occupancy: $750 by check or money order, $789 by credit card

2nd Payment (due on or before August 1)
Per Person Double Occupancy: $500 by check or money order, $525 by credit card
Per Person Single Occupancy: $750 by check or money order, $789 by credit card

Final  Payment (final installment due on or before September 15)
Per Person Double Occupancy: $899 by check or money order, $949 by credit card
Per Person Single Occupancy: $599 by check or money order, $791 by credit card

Pre/Post Extra Night Accommodations:
Price Per Person in a double room: $95  ($99 credit card)
Price Per Person in a single room: $185 ($195 credit card

Attendance is strictly limited due to hotel capacity and the event is expected to sell out.
Early booking is highly recommended.


Travel Insurance

Body Mind Spirit Journeys highly recommends the purchase of Trip Cancellation / Interruption Travel Insurance, and we therefore provide you with an easy way to contact BMSJ’s preferred insurance provider, Allianz Global Assistance. If you need additional information or have questions, please call Allianz directly at 800-284-8300, and refer to code F025323.

For Flight Assistance and Ticketing
email in our air department

“Morgaine of the Fairies”
by Baraka Robin Berger




© 2015

Earlier Event: July 7