Choosing our Responses: Love vs. Fear | Self-Care and Service

No matter where you are at in this world of bliss and chaos, the truth is, it can be difficult to find a place of true balance if the energies that surround you are off. Are you taking steps to stay balanced and self-aware? Are you putting tools in place for self-care and compassion? Now more than ever, it is essential to have this set of tools in order to stay healthy in body, mind, emotion and spirit.

Something in our world has shifted big time. You might feel it as a weight, pulling you in an unfamiliar direction...but what is it you are supposed to be looking at? On one hand, feelings such as joy, peace and grace may be present (and happily welcomed!) Yet, in the blink of an eye, a dramatic shift can take place and feelings of chaos, war, riots, death, hurt and pain can quickly become the focus.

There are many factors in today’s world that cause this to happen. From the ever-present gloom and doom of the daily news, to the saturated world of social media, each of these factors have an effect on our lives and to some degree, promote feelings of pressure and anxiety. So, what are some steps that we can take to lessen the impact of these daily pressures? The first is tackling them on a deep and internal level. Although this may sound like an intense, and sometimes nearly impossible task, there are a few simple actions that we can take each day to achieve a more self-aware and centered state:

  • Breathe deeply: Allow the breath to fill your lungs and body with love and joy. Then breathe out what is not aligning with these positive feelings, especially when feeling stressed.

  • Spend time in nature: Allow feelings and emotions of gratitude to flow over you - even if it is for only 5 min.

  • Bless and Release: When things aren’t going as planned, bless and release it. You can’t control everything, so why even try? What you can control is your response to whatever is going on. Learning to let it go is extremely powerful.

Factors of life that can often spiral our deep and internal emotions out of control are often found in the events taking place in the world around us. From issues happening within your own circle of friends and family, to the tragedies happening around the world every single day, there is so much to take to heart that even the thought of figuring out how to take a stand/help can quickly become overwhelming. There are, however, steps you can take to make this process less overwhelming and more achievable:

  • Is there an area of service that is calling to you? Know that whatever actions you take in response to what is going on around you can be either from love or fear.

  • The way you choose to treat others will greatly impact how you feel about yourself (whether you realize this consciously or not.) From in-person or online communications to actually signing a petition or rallying on the streets, know and choose where your response and responsibilities are coming from.

  • Choose to do something out of love, not fear.

  • Choose to view life in a way that puts all of us in the same boat - how do we keep it afloat and how will our individual actions influence this end goal? Instead of competing against each other for who is right, choose cooperation and the common ground for all.

  • Tearing each other down is not working - it’s an old paradigm. It is time to make the shift to the new paradigm and resolve to see things with fresh eyes, new hopes, and new ways so everyone can walk their path with honor and dignity.

So, I offer you with a final thought and challenge: Choose to practice and embrace internal self-care and love in order to keep your base strong. From there, you will have a better understanding of why you respond to the world in the way that you do, and hopefully, feel safer choosing responses based on love vs. fear. In the end, knowing where you stand and feeling centered will help you take on and feel ready for whatever comes your way.


Love and Blessings,
